Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ultrasound Pictures

Here is our sweet baby girl! The ultrasound was so amazing! She was sucking her thumb and kicking herself in the chin. I knew there was a baby in there before, but the ultrasound really made it real and made me feel that the baby was "my baby."

She already knows how to pose for a picture :)

We, of course, think she is the most adorable thing ever and can't wait for her to get here! Especially me since she is continually taking up more space. She has discovered my ribs and loves to stretch out her legs as far up into them as they can go. I am feeling VERY uncomfortable but I am enjoying feeling her move all the time. It is the weirdest feeling to see my belly stretch out for a foot! I love her so much already that I can't be mad at her for it.

In other news, it has been a busy summer for us. We spent a couple of weeks getting moved and settled and doing yard work and then Nate left for the Dominican Republic with the National Guard. Today is his first Father's Day and I realized that he will probably be gone for every Father's Day just like he is always gone for my birthday. Thank goodness we were married in July so he is usually home for our anniversary! I can't wait for him to be a daddy! He is already so excited and I know she will have him wrapped around her little finger!

Every day I am grateful for all our family! We have had so much help getting settled and moved. My mom has worked so hard to make sure I feel at home. Love her so much! It has been so fun for me to be around family again. I used to feel sad every summer when I missed out on everything! I am positive that we made the right decision to move back. Things are not exactly as we planned, but everything continues to work out and I can see God's hand in our lives everyday. I am so blessed!


  1. Aww! How fun! She looks adorable already!

  2. Cute pictures! Thanks for including me in your blog. It sounds like you are getting happily settled in! We're sure going to miss you when August comes and we're back in school.

  3. Aww she is the cutest thing ever!! already!!! I'm glad your getting settled in.. Sorry nate is gone.. It must be so hard.. Your amazing!
